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Frankenstein 04155

What is behind the most important railway accident in Spanish democracy?

On 24 July 2013, the Alvia 04155 train derailed at the entrance to Santiago de Compostela, killing 81 people and injuring more than 140. The government’s official truth is that the train driver was the only person responsible for the accident. But a tragedy never has a single cause. What is behind the most serious railway accident in Spanish democracy? What are the causes and who made the decisions that contributed to the disaster? Until now, this information has been kept hidden. Not anymore…


60 Seminci - Semana Internacional de Cine, España

Special Mention

XXIX Cineuropa, España

Audience Award

Ficbaq - Festival Internacional de Cine Barranquilla, Colombia

official selection

Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, Grecia

official selection

Festival Primavera do Cine, España

Best Documentary
Director - Screenwriter - Producer
Aitor Rei
Jesús Domínguez & Aitor Rei
Sound recording
Omar Rabuñal
Mighele de Currás & Cesar Seijas
Anxo Graña
Sound editing
Borja Freire
Motion graphics
Ghe Design
Mighele de Currás, Aitor Rei

” I recommend you watch it..It is devastating”

Julia Otero, Onda Cero Journalist.

“An example of freedom. A compelling research work.

We are unprotected against Power.”

Anxo Suances, journalist Zig Zag (TVG)

“The documentary they don’t want you to watch.”

Javier Zurro, journalist of El Confidencial

“Frankenstein 04155. The train that should have not depart. “

Gregorio Belinchón, journalist of El País

“Les recomiendo que vayan a verlo.Es demoledor”

Julia Otero, periodista de Onda Cero.

“Un exemplo de liberdade.
Un traballo de investigación descomunal.
Estamos desprotexidos ante o poder”

Anxo Suances, xornalista do programa Zig Zag (TVG)

“El documental que no quieren que veas”

Javier Zurro, periodista de El Confidencial

“Frankenstein 04155. El tren que no debió viajar”

Gregorio Belinchón, periodista de El País


"Two minutes of applause at Cineuropa at the premiere of the documentary« Frankenstein 04155 »"

"The public recognizes the film about the Alvia accident with a 9.53 rating. Among the attendees was Luis Aláez, the judge who instructed the case"

"Judge Aláez, impressed by the Alvia documentary"

"Feijoo responds to José Blanco:« I will not use, nor have I done nor will do, a tragedy to seek political profitability »"

"Frankenstein 04155, the documentary about the Angrois accident that goes to the brain and not to the viscera of the viewer"

"The film focuses on the causes of the accident in which 80 people died"

"The Santiago driver is blamed for preventing the chain of responsibilities from moving upward"

"Financed through crowdfunding and with the collaboration of the Alvia 04155 Victims Platform, Rei tries to shed light on the case" with Renfe and Adif's own documentation ... "

"The documentary about the Santiago train accident that they don't want you to watch""

"Aitor Rei has directed and produced a film that uncovers the incongruities of the case and for which he has been pressured not to shoot it. He has the support of the victims of the disaster"

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